From great leaders to
remarkable ones
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Growth mindset Lead with kindness

Authentic, value-driven leadership

Slide Who am I about I’m a purpose driven person and an advocate for meaningful and joyful life. I believe in strong values, authenticity, finding meaning and purpose, alignment between who we are and what we do. I consider myself an organizational architect, I’ve been more than 10 years in top leadership positions where I significantly turned around companies and build high performant teams. My mission is to inspire people to lead with kindness and empathy, contribute to budling authentic, value-driven leadership.

Executive coaching & Leadership consulting

As a leader you inspire others, you offer your knowledge, your wisdom and your service to other people, help them grow

Change Management & Organizational Redesign

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Business Consultancy

Are you stuck with your business? Did you try various ways to scale it? Do you feel you lack effective Team Management?

Choose the most suitable development journey for you

Stand out leadership program

Leadership it’s more than a role, it’s about making a positive difference. It is about building authentic human connections, being inspirational, living one’s values, creating meaning and purpose, enhance a growth mindset. Putting heart and brain together leads to higher performance.

Up-level leadership program

Stepping up into a new role can be challenging many times. You step into a new spotlight, you have higher responsibilities, a higher influence. Which is great, that also means you can have a higher impact as a leader.

Leadership consultancy & mentoring

As leaders, we work for our people, not the other way around. Leading them with kindness and empathy, helping them in their journey to get better results, makes us better. We are an inspiration and a role model for our team.

Team coaching

“Trust is like the air we breathe. When it is present, nobody really notices. But when it’s absent, everybody notices” Warren Buffett A study on neuroscience of trust published by Harvard Business Review in 2017, reveled that trust in the workplace had a positive impact on everything from company performance to employee turnover. A trust-based culture makes a meaningful difference, leading to enhanced collaboration, increased productivity, room for innovation, higher engagement and retention. Overall, there is a higher state of well-being among the people in the organization, mainly driven by lower stress and higher satisfaction. We build together a personalized team development program, function to your organization needs, focused on creating human connections, using also elements from neuroscience on: building trust communication cognitive performance decision making motivation, etc. Feel free to get in touch and I will be happy to discuss a personalized program for you

Change Management and Organizational Redesign Consulting

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples" Mother Teresa For a change to be complete, it needs to happen at both organizational and individual level. To implement wide changes, it’s essential for leaders to form a sound vision, create a sense of purpose inside the organization, have a clear strategy and a proper mindset for change, constant, clear and transparent communication, and most importantly, to have people inside the organization who can drive the change – an energetic, determined, open-minded, innovative team. We build together a personalized change program for you, including consultancy and/ or change management coaching for your leaders. We can work on: building a transformation program culture change designing and implementing business strategies changing business models enhancing customer experience Feel free to get in touch and I will be happy to discuss a personalized program for you

Iuliana Rusei