Lead to inspire

A program dedicated to leaders who aim to inspire by focusing on making a difference, building purpose, fostering engagement, valuing authenticity, building trust and human connection


1 Workshop

3 Days from 10:00 to 16:00 EET

18 hours of Knowledge and Practice

Leadership, Public Speaking, Neuroscience



29.11 – MIND to inspire

06.12 – VOICE to inspire

13.12 – HEART to inspire



All online, in English

Max. 15 participants

Join from anywhere!

Why Lead to Inspire?

Many leaders wish to be role models and inspire people to follow their vision. No matter our position – running a big organization or leading a small team, or even leading a movement, inspiration unites people. Leadership is never about the role. It’s always about the goal.

People’s motivation is intrinsic, they are driven by autonomy, mastery and purpose. We need to be independent, have freedom to make decisions, we need the opportunity to develop and grow, and better yet, relate to a bigger purpose, feel that we are making a difference. Which all lead to an inspiring place of work. And the most successful companies create inspiring places of work.

Together with TEDx coach and NeuroMindfulness Senior Practitioner Ioana Jongsma from Speaker Coaching Diaries, we will guide you towards understanding and applying inspirational leadership.

Early Bird Discount

1.000 EUR

800 EUR 

up to 10th of November

Or contact office@iulianarusei.com for more details.

Get inside our brain


We will get into the neuroscience of building trust, human connections, creativity, decision making and motivation

Communication and public speaking


We will learn how to build trust and connection while speaking, whether to one person or full auditorium

Boost your ability to inspire

We will focus on traits of inspirational leadership

Anyone can develop the ability to inspire by discovering and nurturing their own intrinsic skills

Every day matters

Mind to inspire


In this session we will lay down the foundation of the course and we will get inside our mind.

We will reveal how our mind can deceive us, but also how we can best use it in our favor

Learning of the day:

Voice to inspire


In this session we will get inside public speaking and communication.
We will reveal some secrets on how we can deliver an inspiring speech without compromising on technical or factual information

Learning of the day:

Heart to inspire


In this session we will explore how we actually connect and why it matters so much.
In this day we bring everything together – mind, voice and heart.

Learning of the day:

This workshop is for you if you want to


Work on your leadership presence

Be in the authentic, value-driven leadership   

Create purpose, communicate an inspiring vision

Create a positive, trust-based culture

 Build stronger connections

Discover new leadership perspectives

Boost engagement, collaboration, creativity, and innovation

Meet your trainers

Ioana Jongsma

Public Speaking Coach

Ioana has been helping speakers find their words since 2008. She has trained and coached executives in a variety of industries (tech, banking, legal, pharma, automotive, healthcare, education, policy) to be better communicators and presenters in English.

Ioana is also a TEDx speaker coach affiliated with TEDxOdense and a NeuroMindfulness Senior Practitioner

Iuliana Rusei

Executive coach & Leadership Consultant

Iuliana has an extensive experience as senior and executive leader. She has been in top management roles for over 10 years, and has a deep understanding of real life in  organizations and a leader’s challenges.

Now she is guiding leaders as an executive coach, working on executive presence, inspirational leadership, authenticity and leading with kindness.

Iuliana is also a  NeuroMindfulness Senior Practitioner

Join Us

Or contact office@iulianarusei.com for more details.

Iuliana Rusei